Teresa Tease ((NEW))
Ulcerative colitis patients have an increased risk of colon cancer because the constant inflammation of the colon causes damage to the intestinal lining. We believe that the bacteria in the colon and the immune system feed off each other to cause inflammation and more damage. We will use the most up to date methods and human specimens to tease apart how the immune system and the gut bacteria conspire to cause pre-cancer and cancer.
teresa tease
are earth's plague, rotten. The earth would be calmer if it were green less,without thisfury,thisblindwill that consumes everything but craves more...." This beautifullywritten, deeply disturbing vision has precedents in Merce Rodoreda's earlier fiction, and Tennent's translation will inter est readers takenwith The Time of theDoves. Death in Springwill also intrigue those who appreciate sur realist or experimental art, for the plasticity of itsdescriptions evokes comparisons to visual artists who were contemporaries of Rodoreda, such as Frida Kahlo, Louise Bour geois, Georgia O'Keefe, orRemedios Varo. The book itself is a pleasure to (be)hold. Open Letter has pro vided a beautiful setting fora trans lation so successful that one scarcely recalls that thenovel was written in another language. [Editorialnote:For more fictionby Rodoreda, see the short storyon page 57 of this issue.] GeraldineC. Nichols UniversityofFlorida Teresa Solana. A Not So Perfect Crime. Peter Bush, tr. London. Bitter Lemon (Consortium, distr.).2009 (?2008). 286 pages. $14.95. isbn978-1-904738-34-3 After winning the 2007 Brigada 21 prize forbest crimenovel inCatalan and enjoying translated success, A Not So PerfectCrime sets the stage for a series of comic novels featur ing detectives Borja and his brother Eduard. Unfortunately, the title as translated invites the comment that thebook should be called "a not so perfect crime novel." Because the author's intent seems to be more to satirize Barcelona society than to create yet another mystery, it takes quite a while to get moving. We are 122 pages in before the body hits the floor and, even after that, TERESA SOLANA -r MURDER AND MAYHEM IN BARCELONA the background stories and digres sions regularly interrupt. Sometimes these are entertaining,but often they make one impatient to get on with the story. The unlikely private eyes are twinswho pretend not to be twins and conceal their lower-class ori gins. Borja has a married mistress and a dalliance with the narrator's sister-in-law. Eduard's relationship with his wife complicates almost every attempt at detecting because she does not know he and his broth er are detectives. Borja, a sort of Poirot with a shortage of graymat ter,seems tobe in thedetecting busi ness to tease money out of high-soci ety clients and enjoy the good life. He bumbles more than he deduces and with a lotof luck talkshimself out of various pickles. Eduard seems to be in the business because Borja talkedhim into it. None of this has anything to do with the crime. A prominent politician's wife is poisoned with a marron glace that arrives anony mously in a gift box on Christmas day. The politician has a mistress, of course, and ironically hired the E brothers to discover whether his E wife was having an affairwith a E Catalan painter who never actually E appears inperson in thebook. After E about 250 pages, the solution to the E crime pops up abruptly and eas- E ily.The killer confesses quickly and E conveniently. A reader with famil- E iaritywith themerry-go-round of E Catalan politics and societypresum- E ably finds numerous inside jokes, E but most of thesewould be lost on E outsiders. The book is not without E itsmoments, however. The dialogue E is often funny, the situations hilari- E ous, and the characters similar to E theexaggerated typeswe enjoy in a E Kaufman and Hart play. E /. Madison Davis E UniversityofOklahoma E Arantxa Urretabizkaia. The Red Note- E book. Kristin Addis, tr. Reno. Center for E Basque Studies, University of Nevada. E 2008. 126 pages. $19.95. isbn 978-1- 877802-82-9 1 Itwill come as no surprise to any E reader familiar with the political E situation in the Basque Country to E learn that the theme of politics is E never far from the surface of con- E temporary Basque fiction.What is E trulystriking, however, is thedegree E of subtlety and nuance with which E the most able writers in Euskara E have dealt with such a vexing and E complex topic.While Arantxa Urre- E tabizkaia isperhaps lesswell known E outside the Basque Country than E her peers such as Bernardo Atxaga E... 041b061a72